Sunday, October 20, 2013

Our Bedroom Makeover Update

As you've seen we re-did our bedroom. The last piece of the renovation was our bed set. I purchased a new comforter and have been on a search for the perfect throw pillows. They have not arrived yet so I can't post the after pictures until they arrive. These photos are from the Etsy shop where I bought the pillow covers. Once I get them on the bed I will post the final photos.

Skoopehome has an amazing shop where you can purchase just about any pillow cover you could ever want or need ($15 per cover). Here are the ones I got (to match our orange lamps and blue wall)

 Skoopehome will let you pick out any cover you like and mismatch them instead of buying them in pairs. I wanted different sizes then the ones offered so I used the Mix+2 to purchase them
and sent a message to the shop's owner of exactly what I wanted. I am so excited to see these on our bed!
I got these in 18x18
I got one of these in 18x18 and the other one in 12x18

Here are some other pillow covers she sells:

If you are looking for a fun and cheap way to change up any room, you should check out this shop! 
Shae was really helpful and quick to respond to my questions. I am so excited for her pillow covers to arrive!!

Here is a little about the owner:

Owner, Maker, Designer,
Hey hey! I am Shae, and Skoope Home is my growing baby. I'm a visual merchandiser and interior decorator with a love of all things print, pattern, color, interior, and design!

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